Sunday, August 30, 2020

94 days

 I have not wrote in a while. To be honest life was a little busy for a little bit and also I got a little disheartened. This system has its flaws it is not perfect my kiddo has about half of his paperwork with his last name misspelled. Therefore things are being held up while they go back and edit all of his paperwork this includes official court documents etc. It’s a little bit frustrating because we found out at about the 80 day mark that we would not be able to finalize shortly after our 90 days. There are several factors to do with this none of which can be helped and one of which is of course Covid. So even though he’s lived here for 94 days we have not received his medical documentation and we also have not received our subsidy. School shopping was a little tougher than I had prepared for it to be since I had figured that by the time school time rolled around the subsidy would be coming in. 

But on a positive note tomorrow begins the third week of school. And this school year we have our adoptive kiddo who is in ninth grade, our 13-year-old who is in eighth grade, and are newly 12 years old who is in seventh grade. In these unprecedented times of COVID-19 they are able to attend school two days a week in person and three days a week virtually. The first week of school was a bit of a learning curve since it is actually his first year in normal school since fifth grade. He has also not had any accessibility to technology and had to learn Google classroom etc. The district that we are in has used chrome book since the children were in sixth grade so most of the kids that are in his grade have been using them three years already.

One thing I have noticed is that while he has no problem telling us about his history on his own terms that is, he is uncomfortable with the assignments that want to talk about his history to his teachers and classmates. It is understandable why he would feel uncomfortable about sharing this. Like I’ve said before I cannot imagine being 14 and in a home where I just met the people that I am with.

In other news I can’t tell you how many days it’s been since I’ve been called Miss Amber I’m kind of hesitant to write this because every time I write it it comes back around. I am consistently thankfully  just Mom. 

Other than that I can’t think of what else to write right now I just wanted to make a quick update as of right now our goal day is September 28 but I refuse to make a Countdown for that because I don’t want to be disappointed again. I’ve been in a funk for a couple of days and I think it’s a sort of depressive state for several things that are going on but also this is a major thing.

Goodbye Brother August 4, 2021

 The following post is going to be a rundown of things that happened to me following receiving the worst news I have ever received which was...